Fees Matter

Active managers seek to beat the market through stock selection and market timing. They generally charge higher fees than passive managers as compensation for their perceived “skill.” These fees can inflict a significant penalty on net investment returns and terminal wealth, as the above graph demonstrates for various cost levels.

Discipline Is Important

This slide shows the performance of a balanced investment strategy following a few historical crises. Each crisis is labeled with the month and year that it occurred or peaked. The subsequent one-, three-, and five-year annualized returns start from the first day of the month following each crisis. Although a global investment strategy would have suffered losses immediately following most events, the financial markets recovered over time, as indicated by the positive three- and five-year cumulative returns. Negative events such as these may tempt investors to flee the financial markets. But diversification and a long-term perspective can help investors apply discipline to ride out the storm.
A defined investment policy helps maintain the discipline needed to achieve your goals in light of market gyrations and the continuous assault on your senses by the financial news media. Discipline will help keep you strategically focused on re-balancing and risk tolerance issues while allowing you to tactically implement your plan in a cost effective manner.

Blanket Lien Posting

A blanket lien (BL) posting or more commonly called a UCC-1 lien, after the section of the Uniform Commercial Code that regulates these types of liens will be processed to protect the asset, secure the debt, manage the collateral, mitigate the risk, and or safe keeping services to protection the asset.

Blanket liens are often called UCC-1 liens, after the section of the Uniform Commercial Code that regulates these types of liens. Under the UCC, lenders typically file a blanket lien with the secretary of state’s office in the state where you do business. As the capital provider (CP), it is required that a copy of the blanket lien be a part of the capital injection agreement, (CIA). The lien is a public filing that other creditors can look up. Lien records show a prospective provider that another collateral provider has already made a capital injection to the business and has a security interest in the business’s assets.

As a matter of public record the provider has to provide the following information when filing a UCC-1 blanket lien:
a.)The signatory and company’s name and contact info
b.)The provider’s name and contact info
c.) A description of the collateral that’s subject to the lien

Collateral Description (CD). The word “Collateral” as used in this Agreement means the following described property, asset(s), whether now owned or hereafter acquired, whether now existing or hereafter arising, and wherever located, in which collateral owner gives to the provider a security interest for the payment of the Indebtedness and performance of all other obligations under the Note, the Agreement and the Related Documents. All cash, accounts receivable, notes receivable, contract rights, deposits, securities, investments, chattel paper, documents, instruments, general intangibles, inventory, raw materials, work in progress, finished goods, furnishings, fixtures, trade fixtures, equipment, machinery, motor vehicles and all other personal property, assets or rights of whatever nature now owned or hereafter acquired by Borrower and products and proceeds thereof. In addition, the word “Collateral” also includes all the following, whether now owned or hereafter acquired, whether now existing or hereafter arising, and wherever located.


ABC               asset based capital
ABCI              asset based capital injection
ABCS             asset based capital structure
APR               annual percentage rate                
ASM              asset structured management
ASMS           asset structured management services
BL                  blanket lien
CD                 collateral Description
CI                   capital injection
CIA                capital injection agreement)
CP                 capital provider
FV                 face value
GMR             general market risk
KYC               know your client
IB                   Injection Base
LIBOR           London Inter Bank Offered Rate
LTV               Loan to value
SKR              safe keeping receipt
SO                soft offer
TAC              tangible asset collateral
TAP              transnational asset protocol
TEV              transnational exchange value
TUC             Time Use of Capital
TUM             time use of money
UCC-1         liens Uniform Commercial Code 1
VS               Vaulting Services
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