Our Services

We work with you in your company to optimize your business growth potential with cash injections that is immediately availability at closing and affordability terms, whether accounts in real estate, philately, precious stones, metals and gems, numismatics collections or collateral lines of credit. Our asset based capital structure (ABCS) currently does not support fluctuating assets. If you are looking for a unique partner with a viable structure that fits between a traditional bank loan, line of credit and more expensive commercial financing with options, please consider our Asset Structured Management Services (ASMS) as part your financial team.

Our Firm
Structured Asset Management, Inc. is an independent registered investment advisor and fee-only financial planning firm, providing guidance on financial planning and investment management to individuals, families and small businesses. Our mission is to help you reach your personal financial, philanthropic and legacy goals. We take the time to listen to you and understand fully who and what is important to you. By doing this, we can help you develop and implement a financial plan and investment strategy that can help you take advantage of the right opportunities.

The firm was founded in 2018 by James after a successful career as a stock and option trader. Having watched both his father and grandfather build longstanding relationships and help countless clients manage their stock and bond portfolios, he gained an appreciation for helping people take advantage of market opportunities. His passion is sharing the knowledge he has to help others reach their goals.

Structured Asset Management is a fee-only firm which means we do not work on commissions. Our compensation comes only from advising you. This allows us to remain completely objective and free from conflicts of interest. We have a fiduciary duty to put your needs first and are structured in such a way that we are able to ensure that this happens.

Strategic partnerships with other third party firms allow us to leverage our expertise and offer expanded services to better serve your needs. As our name suggests, we follow a structured approach to planning and investing that maximizes your opportunities while mitigating risk. We are one of a select group of fee-only advisers with access to the Dimensional Fund Advisers' family of low cost, institutional quality investment vehicles.

Professionalism & Ethics Matters 

We have a fiduciary duty to our clients and always place our clients' interests first and foremost. We always disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest so that our clients can make informed decisions.

  • Widely acknowledged fundamental ethical principles include honesty, fairness, diligence, and care and respect for others. Ethical conduct follows those principles and balances self-interest with both the direct and the indirect consequences of that behavior for other people.
  • Honesty - An honest exchange of information is the basis upon which our relationships are built. We will be candid with you in all things. We will never make promises that we do not intend to keep.
  • Integrity - We hold ourselves to the very highest standards of integrity. We take our responsibilities extremely seriously . We will disengage from any relationship that might in any way conflict with this. We will not make compromises to our principles for any reason.
  • Objectivity - We will always act in good faith through education, independence and impartiality, to objectively act in the best interests of our client. We act in a fee only capacity in order to eliminate conflicts of interest. We accept no commissions, of any sort, from any entity. We do not receive fees or compensation from any party based on the referral of a client or the client's business.
  • Professionalism - We will at all times act to increase our professional knowledge. We diligently monitor modern investment strategies and research.