Frequently Ask Questions

The structured for the asset based capital (ABC) is determined by the general market risk (GMR), time use of capital (TUC) the face value of the asset (FV), any encumbrances, also style and type of the collateral. While conventional capital injection are generally priced using an annual percentage rate (APR) and asset based capital injection (ABCI) between 6 % to 18%, our fees are structured at less than LIBOR and or never over three (3%) percent. Additional cost 0% to 2% points.

Factoring different than asset based capital (ABC)?

Factoring and Asset Based Capital are often confused.  These services are different however they do provide some similar benefits. The more noted difference to lessen the confusion is ABCI does not support nor carry much weight on fluctuation inventory (receivables) as a viable transferable, callable collateral. To learn more, read “Asset Based Loans vs. Factoring.”

Blanket Lien Posting

A blanket lien (BL) posting or more commonly called a UCC-1 lien, after the section of the Uniform Commercial Code that regulates these types of liens will be processed to protect the asset, secure the debt, manage the collateral, mitigate the risk, and or safe keeping services to protection the asset.

Blanket liens are often called UCC-1 liens, after the section of the Uniform Commercial Code that regulates these types of liens. Under the UCC, lenders typically file a blanket lien with the secretary of state’s office in the state where you do business. As the capital provider (CP), it is required that a copy of the blanket lien be a part of the capital injection agreement, (CIA). The lien is a public filing that other creditors can look up. Lien records show a prospective provider that another collateral provider has already made a capital injection to the business and has a security interest in the business’s assets.

  • As a matter of public record the provider has to provide the following information when filing a UCC-1 blanket lien:

b.)The signatory and company’s name and contact info

c.)The provider’s name and contact info

d.)A description of the collateral that’s subject to the lien

What your company provides?

Proof of ownership and or payments buyout of less than twenty-five (25%) percent encumbrances. We would like to see and review any partnerships contracts, fee agreements, appraisers, property title history; independent pre-asset evaluation, attestations, safe keeping receipt(s), property insurance coverage and or rider evaluation.

In House Underwriting

There no third parties and no Credit Checks

No prepayment penalty if you pay off your loan prior to maturity.

Basic, Simple, and Straight Forward underwriting criteria.

Basic:     Know Your Client, and request for capital injection (CI) application

Free standing appraisal, deed or title certificate, a purchase contract

Summary scope of work for the business and use of capital

Closing process and requirements

The closing will generally occurs at an attorney’s office or title company office. Not complicated, no remorse, no stress at the close to provide a smooth settlement. The standard documents and forms apply for the capital injection which typically include investment affidavit and assignment of rents and leases any refinance notes pay offs, security agreement, a mortgage note and or personal guarantee.