Our Philosophy

These are EXPERIENCED HOLDINGS, LLC core beliefs and are the basis for formulating your plan:

We have a fiduciary duty to our clients and always place our clients' interests first and foremost. We always disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest so that our clients can make informed decisions.

  • Honesty - An honest exchange of information is the basis upon which our relationships are built. We will be candid with you in all things. We will never make promises that we do not intend to keep.
  • Integrity - We hold ourselves to the very highest standards of integrity. We take our responsibilities extremely seriously . We will disengage from any relationship that might in any way conflict with this. We will not make compromises to our principles for any reason.
  • Objectivity - We will always act in good faith through education, independence and impartiality, to objectively act in the best interests of our client. We act in a fee only capacity in order to eliminate conflicts of interest. We accept no commissions, of any sort, from any entity. We do not receive fees or compensation from any party based on the referral of a client or the client's business.
  • Professionalism - We will at all times act to increase our professional knowledge. We diligently monitor modern investment strategies and research.